Foster Children at Christmas Time

Although for most young children Christmas time is a special time of the year, some foster children can find it depressing or sad. Traditionally families come together to celebrate and share memories at Christmas, but foster children have been separated from their families and may even have trauma or bad memories of the holidays. There is no better time to make foster children feel special, loved, safe and welcome, than Christmas time.

Christmas Tips for Foster Children

Foster Children at Christmas Time - Some Tips from Kids First, Inc.

Here are some reminders for foster families and those of us supporting foster families this Christmas.

Be Flexible

Keep in mind that every foster child will have different ways of celebrating Christmas, as well as different ideas and memories, and there are some children who may not even know about Christmas. How you handle each child’s circumstances, experiences, and beliefs can make or break the holidays. It is important, as foster parents, to accept that some children may associate Christmas with bad experiences they may have had and will perhaps need a more subdued celebration. To make your children feel comfortable, take time to answer their questions and read their books to help them understand the true meaning of Christmas.

Understand Their Pain

The children can also be reminded of their biological families and the fact that they are not with them when it’s the holidays. For a child who has only been in foster care for a short time, it can be overwhelming to wake up to a family laughing together, loving each other, and sharing family memories. They may also feel that if they enjoy Christmas with you, they are being disloyal and abandoning their own families.

Blend Your Traditions

Talk to your child about their Christmas traditions and to make them feel more comfortable work together to combine their traditions with your own. It could be something as simple as opening gifts on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day or cooking one of their favorite Christmas meals together. What these children need from us during this Christmas season is the same mercy, love, and understanding that Christ gave us. There is no better way to share the story of a Savior being born to love and save the world than to make His light and love shine during the holidays.

What Next?

Are you ready to talk to someone about becoming a foster parent? Christmas is the perfect time of year to get started. Our offices are in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX, and we'd love to talk to you. Contact Kids First today! 


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