You’ll Never Feel Ready to Be a Foster Parent

Ready to Be a Foster Parent? - Kids First, Inc. - Dallas and Fort Worth, TX

You’ve had a deep-down urge for a while now, so you read up on the Texas statistics and see photos of the children who are waiting to be adopted or fostered. So, you stay up half the night investigating and the next day you talk to your partner about it, hoping desperately that they feel the same way you do. After some lengthy discussions you are both in agreement that opening your home to Dallas and Fort Worth kids who really need of a place to feel safe and loved is the right thing to do.You do the orientation, training, and background checks, everything required to become certified foster parents, and then you wait and wait.The waiting seems endless, and you become anxious, but then you get the call to become a foster parent to a scared young child who is tired and hungry, and you begin to doubt. “Why did we think we can do this? We aren’t qualified. What if we make mistakes?”You start to question your ability and fear takes over.

Foster Parenting is Hard, But Rewarding

In fact, the truth is that no one ever feels ready to be a foster parent. Every foster parent experiences self-doubt and lack of confidence, but actually these same people, deep down, are more than ready.You will find a strength and presence of mind that you never knew you had, because you now have a child, desperate to feel safe and loved, looking up at you, and even if you feel ill-equipped, you will become their world.You are the one who will care for their needs, and you are the one who will prepare their favorite meal and cuddle them. Nobody else gets to do these things, only you. We know you can do this, and we believe in you. now it’s up to you to believe it too.You are right, you will never be totally prepared, but when that call comes, no matter what time of day or night, there is no doubt that you will stand up and be an amazing foster parent.Now that you are ready to begin the journey to become a foster parentgive us a call at Kids First and allow us to walk with you each step of the way. Our offices in Dallas and Fort Worth are standing by to help. 


Pros and Cons of Kinship Foster Care


Foster Care Isn't Punishment, It's Helping Families