Foster Care or Adoption Home Studies: What to Expect
Many of the families in the licensing process express how they dread the home study. They spend hours worrying about how to present their homes and themselves because they believe everything has to be perfect. The staff at Kids First will advise you to relax and be yourself! We really enjoy conducting home studies as its a perfect way to know more about you and how you're going to have a unique impact on the children we represent. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.
What kind of questions are asked in the home study?
Foster Care or Adoption Home Studies: What to Expect - Kids First, Inc. - Dallas and Fort Worth, TX
A lot of questions will be asked, ranging from your childhood, your present relationship with your family, your desire to foster and/or adopt, your marriage, your parenting methods, finances, how you want to support a child in your home, to the type of child you believe will be best suited to your family.
What if some part of my past or my childhood is not perfect?
You need to know that there is no perfect family. Just as you have been shown grace in your own life, so we hope you will do the same for the children placed in your home. Of course we will want to discuss some of the not-so-perfect parts of your past, and we want to be sure that you've completely resolved the feelings that come with your past.
Which members of the family will be interviewed?
Each and every person in your home, including children three years and older will be interviewed privately. With a child younger than three, we will ask you questions and take note of the child’s interaction. We will also interview you and your spouse, and there will be an informal family interview with everyone together. This will give us a chance to observe the interaction between members of the family.
How can we prepare for the home study?
It's going to be a long day so remember to eat and hydrate yourself. We want to be able to help you succeed with the children placed in your home. We are not looking for ways to deny you.
How many visits will the home study be?
This will depend on your family size. Generally at least two visits will be needed with the possibility of more if there are any follow ups required.
What is required for my house inspection?
We will want to have a look at all the rooms in your home, particularly the bedrooms to see who will sleep where. We will also check to see what medication you have and where you store it. Home studies don't have to be intimidating. We are for you and want your family to succeed, so of course Kids First will do everything we can to make sure your home study goes well. If you need more information on how to start the foster or adoptive family application process, contact Kids First today, or attend an upcoming Orientation session.