3 Common Questions from Potential Single Foster Parents
There are many single people who would like to become foster parents but do not know if this is possible. This is most definitely allowed in most states in the United States. For our local people in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX, as long as you meet all the requirements in the state of Texas, you are allowed to be a single foster parent. Here are 3 frequently asked questions by potential single parents:
1.Do single foster parents have a different application process?
3 Common Questions from Potential Single Foster Parents - Kids First, Inc. - Dallas and Fort Worth, TX
Foster parents are expected to meet the basic requirements whether a single parent or married.
Be at least 21 years of age
Provide proof of income
Submit fingerprints
Have a working phone
Complete the home study/assessment
Be in good mental health
Once you can prove this and also complete all of the training, you will be almost ready to become a single foster parent.
2. Am I still allowed to work full time?
As a single foster parent you are still allowed to work full time, as long as you can provide care for the child while you are working. This would need to be an approved day care agency or a family member who meets the requirements and training. This will allow you to work for the income you need and, at the same, time also to be a foster parent.
3. What should my income be each month?
You are not required to make a set amount of money each month, but you do need to be able to fully support yourself before fostering a child. The foster child will then be able to come into a stable home which creates the best environment possible for both you and the child. If you would like to learn more about becoming a single foster parent, contact us at Kids First. We'll help you every step of the way.